Smart Contract Schema

Understanding the contract schema is essential for developers working with the TokenTable TVM. This section provides an overview of the TLB (Type-Level Binary) schema, which defines the structure and relationships of the smart contract components for interaction within the TON blockchain.

TLB Structure

The TokenTable TVM smart contract uses TLB to define the serialization format and logic for its data structures and functions. Below is the schema breakdown of the contract’s key components:

Main Distributor Contract

The Main Distributor Contract holds the merkle root for wallet verification and manages token distribution. Here’s the TLB schema for the contract:

    version:int             ;; Contract version
    admin_address:slice     ;; Admin address with management privileges
    root:int                ;; Merkle root for verifying claims
    deployer:slice          ;; Deployer address, initial contract creator
    token:slice             ;; Main Contract Jetton Wallet for distribution
    start_time:int          ;; Start time for token distribution
    end_time:int            ;; End time for token distribution
    leaf_code:cell          ;; Code for the leaf contracts
    claim_fee:int           ;; Fee required to submit a claim
    claim_fee_address:slice ;; Address to receive the claim fees
    paused:int              ;; Distribution paused status (1 = paused, 0 = active)
    feeless_threshold:int   ;; Claim threshold below which no fee is charged
    fee_accumulated:int     ;; Total fees accumulated from claims
    -> MainDistributor;

Leaf Contract

Each Leaf Contract verifies individual wallet claims by processing merkle proofs and triggering token transfers. Here’s the TLB schema for a leaf contract:

    used:int               ;; Status indicating if the leaf has been used for a 
			   ;; claim (1 = used, 0 = unused)
    distributor:slice      ;; Address of the main distributor contract
    index:int              ;; Index of the leaf in the merkle tree
    -> LeafContract;

Claim Transaction

The claim transaction initiates the process of submitting a merkle proof and distributing tokens. Below is the TLB schema for submitting a claim:

    proof:cell          ;; Reference to the merkle proof (cell)
    index:uint64        ;; Index of the leaf in the merkle tree
    -> ClaimOperation;

Token Transfer

This defines the structure for token transfers triggered after successful claim verification:

    to_addr:bits256     ;; Recipient wallet address
    amount:uint64       ;; Amount of tokens to transfer
    -> TokenTransfer;

TLB Relationships

To visualize the relationships between the TLB components, here's a conceptual breakdown:

  • Main Distributor Contract holds the merkle root and manages the main jetton wallet.

  • Leaf Contracts handle individual wallet verification using merkle proofs and communicate with the Main Distributor Contract for token transfers.

  • Claim Transactions are submitted by users with merkle proofs and are processed by the Leaf Contracts.

  • Token Transfers occur once the merkle proof is verified, resulting in the distribution of tokens to the user’s wallet.

In the following sections, we'll explore integration capabilities of the smart contract.

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