Presets and Actuals

Data models present in the unlocker smart contract.


A Preset is an unlocking schedule template that contains information that's shared across all stakeholders within a single round.

In this system, cliff unlocks are considered linear as well. This enables us to mix and match cliffs and linears at will, providing full customizability. Cliff waiting periods have a linear basis point of 0 and cliff unlocking moments have a duration of 1 second.

Note that all relative timestamps are relative to the absolute start timestamp. Absolute timestamps are standard UNIX epoch timestamps in seconds.

linearStartTimestampsRelative: An array of start timestamps for each linear segment. linearEndTimestampRelative: The timestamp that marks the end of the final linear segment. linearBips: The basis point that is unlocked for each linear segment. Must add up to TokenTableUnlockerV2.BIPS_PRECISION(). numOfUnlocksForEachLinear: The number of unlocks within each respective linear segment. stream: If the tokens should unlock as a stream instead of a cliff at the end of the linear segment subdivision.

struct Preset {
  uint256[] linearStartTimestampsRelative;
  uint256 linearEndTimestampRelative;
  uint256[] linearBips;
  uint256[] numOfUnlocksForEachLinear;
  bool stream;


An Actual is an actual unlocking schedule for a single stakeholder and builds on top of an existing preset. An actual contains information that is different from one stakeholder to the next.

presetId: The ID of the Preset that this Actual references. startTimestampAbsolute: The timestamp of when this unlocking schedule starts. amountClaimed: The amount of tokens that have already been claimed by the recipient. totalAmount: The maximum amount of tokens that the recipient can claim throughout the entire schedule.

struct Actual {
  bytes32 presetId;
  uint256 startTimestampAbsolute;
  uint256 amountClaimed;
  uint256 totalAmount;

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