Welcome to TokenTable

Learn what we're building, explore our platform, and join us on our journey to revolutionize token management for founders and token holders.

About TokenTable

TokenTable is a token management platform for web3 founders and token holders.

TokenTable provides advanced tools that streamline the operations involved in securely unlocking and distributing tokens to investors, employees, airdrop recipients, and other token holders.

TokenTable Offerings

For Founders

Trustless Execution

Using smart contracts that are deployed and owned by the Founder's project, TokenTable programmatically executes token unlocking and claiming, mitigating human error and third-party custody risk.

Cap Table Communication

TokenTable displays real-time, verifiable data about token distribution progress to relevant token holders. Share real-time, verifiable data about token distribution progress to relevant stakeholders.

Secured & Supported by Industry Leaders

The security of the TokenTable Unlocker smart contract assured through audits by Ottersec and others industry leaders.

For Token Claimers

Track & Export Your Claim Data

Unlocking schedules, and release, claim, and secondary sale data from across all of your portfolio companies can be viewed and downloaded.

Claim Your Tokens

Receive email notifications to claim unlocked tokens on release dates.


24/7 support for all inquiries or issues. Contact TokenTable support at support@tokentable.xyz or reach the team on Telegram

Last updated